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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

About the company

Alfred Schütze Apparatebau GmbH was founded in 1927 in Jena, Germany and has been working in the field of spraying technology for more than 85 years. In its early years it sold various paint products and equipment and from 1935 started manufacturing its own hand sprayers. In 1945, an office was opened in Bremen, and in 1958-1959 the company founders moved all production facilities to Bremen. At the start of the 1960s, the company expanded its product range and launched spray guns for applying glue. In 1966 the office space and production facilities were enlarged. In the '70s, the company focused on the development of spray systems for different liquids, including all kinds of adhesive compounds, and gained many new customers. In 1996 the company moved into a new, larger building measuring more than 1,000 square metres, which was expanded in 2006. In 2014, the company once again moved to new premises, which allowed the company to expand its production capacity, storage space and office, as well as allowing further unhindered expansion as the company grew. Today the company is a major manufacturer of equipment for automatic and manual spraying of various liquids, oils and adhesives, as well as all kinds of aerosol valves.

The company's products are used in all fields related to the spraying of liquids, from painting parts and surfaces or applying adhesives, to watering or feeding fats in the food industry. The company's engineers are ready to cooperate in any application that requires different fluid spraying technologies.

Alfred Schutze products 


Automatic aerosol valves

Alfred Schutze automatic aerosol valves are intended for spraying liquids, oils, paints and glues. They are operated by an external solenoid or mechanical actuator. The supply of liquid under pressure is provided by a suitable reservoir or pump. A special feature of these valves is the ability to regulate the shape of the spray pattern using remote control.


Automatic valves of airless type

The automatic valves of the airless type are used to spray liquids under pressure without using an air stream. The valves are made of stainless steel and can use a pneumatic actuator to shut off and open the supply of spraying liquid.


Hand held spray guns

Hand held spray guns of various types and capacities are used for spraying water, water solutions, oils and cleaning liquids. The guns can be easily connected to any supply line. Nozzle guns are also available for use with compressed air to blow out debris, dust or to clean surfaces. Alfred Schutze double diaphragm pumps are available in a mobile version and are specifically designed for continuous delivery of service fluids, reagents, oils, adhesives, etc. The units provide low air consumption and low noise at high flow rates.


Stainless steel pressure vessels

Stainless steel pressure tanks for storing pressurised spraying media with integrated pressure reducer, safety valve and the option of connecting a number of spray guns.


Fluid distribution systems

Fluid distribution systems, high pressure in-line filters, nozzle attachments, spray gun nozzles. Fluid distribution systems to multiple aerosol valves, made of stainless steel. High-pressure in-line filters for filtering fluids inside piping or hoses, also for use in aggressive media. Nozzle tips for giving a specific spraying cone shape to the spray liquid, and spray gun nozzles for spraying at a specific angle. 


Pressure reducers and regulators

Pressure reducers and regulators, air distribution valves and accessories for spray guns. Pressure reducers and pressure regulators with mechanical and pneumatic control, valves with additional control to perform pre-purge before supplying the working fluid.

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